Monday, April 7, 2014

My Newest Game

Hello Readers, 

So, when I'm at work during the wee hours of the morning, throwing things onto shelves, I need to do something to occupy myself. If not, I might legitimately go crazy. 

I do have my music, which helps. But I can only listen to so much before I start tuning out. 

When I tune out I often crawl into my own head, which is fun for a while. I turn my attention to writing things that I'll forget about by the time I get back to my computer. I have an awful memory.

Or sometimes I'll think of crude texts to my dad. Like:

I think of you whenever I stock Preparation H <3


That was an actual text. We've got a good relationship. 

Anyway, even that only lasts for a while. So I've created a new game, that I hope any of you visiting supermarkets can enjoy to help pass your time. 

Now, when I work, I stock shelves (as I think I've mentioned). Which means I am fairly familiar with the shelves in my section at this point. 

Often, I have a day off between shifts. So there is a full 24 hours of people shopping before I come in and make things look pretty again. 

Now, I'm fully aware that there are hundreds of people in the store during this time, buying things. But some of the things that are completely gone from the shelves are baffling. 

For example: 

There are many brands of protein shakes (duh), that come in many flavors (also, duh). When I walked in the other day there were two different brands that where completely wiped out of their dark chocolate flavor. This is roughly 7 cases (with 5 bottles per case) of different protein shakes all gone. 

Why in the world would someone need 35 bottles of dark chocolate protein shake?

This is my new game. 

Realistically, I know that not a single person came in and grabbed these cases in one trip.

In my mind I like to imagine that there was some sort of dark chocolate emergency, in which someone needed the drinks RIGHT NOW.

Now, this is much more exciting when it's, say, all of the boxes of gauze that have been picked clean. But the chocolate shakes is much funnier. Maybe someone needed to shower in the chocolaty goodness in order to remain young and beautiful. 

This game is my gift to you, Readers, enjoy it.

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