Monday, January 28, 2013

Down the Rabbit Hole?

Dear Readers,

Every now and again when we're out in the big wide world we see people who look like people we know. Generally, these lookalikes are called Doppelgangers. It's always fascinating when we run across someone who looks just like our cousin, or sister, or best friend. Now this doesn't just happen with people we know. More than once, I am sure all of you have seen someone who looks just like a celebrity  or just how you imagined your favorite book character to look.

This isn't uncommon, especially when you consider how many people there are in the world. What is uncommon, though, is seeing so many Doppelgangers within a short space of time.

The other day I was on the elevator, heading back up to my room, when who should step into the box but Sam Winchester!

For those of you who don't know, Sam Winchester is one of the two main characters from Supernatural.

Now, for about 15 seconds I was about to have a major fan girl moment. But then, I realized this was real life, and that would probably scare him away. So I chose to just stare at him subtly until he got off the elevator. Because that's not creepy. Right? ...Guys...?

Only a couple of days later I was walking to get myself some coffee. As I'm walking through the crowd I am two steps away from running into the more modern approximation of Shaggy Rogers.

 It was insane. He was gone before I had a chance to say anything.

 At this point, I am seriously wondering if my campus has started to drift into some fictional dimension. Slowly, only a few characters bleeding through at a time.

That, however, is very silly. As an educated woman, I know that this is largely ridiculous (Though can we really discount the possibilities of other dimensions where these people [or approximations of these people] exist? I don't think so.).

I was willing to put this thought behind me. So I found a couple of men who looked like they stepped out of tv land. I'm sure that happens all the time.

Until this weekend. I was walking through the lobby of my building when I saw someone I never expected. I saw the Cancer Man, from The X-Files!

For a moment, I was even positive he was smoking indoors, even though that's a big no no. You also may notice something different about my outward reaction to the Cancer man. That's because that man is terrifying. I'm not sure how many of you have watched X-Files, but I wouldn't want to mess with that man.

Readers, I don't know if there really are that many Doppelgangers around here. It seems unlikely that I'd've seen so many within the a week and a half.

Perhaps this place really is slipping through a rift in time and space. If so, I only expect good things to come...As long as I don't keep running into Cancer Man.

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