Thursday, January 24, 2013

My Little Piece of Wonderland

Dear Readers,

Today, I want you to take a journey with me. Before we start on this journey, in order to get the full effect of what I am going to describe, I would suggest listening to this: Share the magic!

For those of you who do not instantly recognize this, it is the theme for the 2010 Tim Burton version of Alice in Wonderland. I have simply fallen in love with this entire score, it is all beautiful, but this is not quite the beginning of our adventure, Readers.

Last Sunday I was in my dorm, as usual, when I got the strong urge to get up and go do something (possibly because I hadn't left my room since Friday...). As usual, when I get ready to go somewhere, I make sure I have my mp3 player, the world is always much more exciting with music in it. Generally, when I turn my music on, I pick a song at random then begin on my way. Today was no different. I chose some popular tune, perhaps "50 Ways to Say Goodbye" because I have been favoring that song lately. Anyhow.

As I leave my room, I consider going to the elevator as I usually do, but today, I am not in a hurry. Today, I will take the stairs, down 11 floors. This, Readers, is where the adventure begins.

It would be rude of me to assume that everyone is familiar with the story of Alice in Wonderland, as I am sure that, even with as many variations as there have been, someone is unfamiliar with the story. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is a story that chronicles the adventures of a young girl named Alice in a strange, dream-like world.

Perhaps the most memorable scene from any adaptation of the story is when Alice falls into the rabbit hole, the doorway, if you will, between the real world and Wonderland. As she falls through what appeared to be a normal rabbit hole everything started changing. Around her were all sorts of peculiar things.

What, you may be asking, does this have to do with you walking down 11 flights of stairs?

If you wait just one more moment, I am getting to that part. As I had described, I had turned my music on. Whatever that initial song was, was over by the time I had made it to the stairs. By chance, the theme that I gave you before I started this recounting of the tale began to play.

Think for a moment, of a time in your life where you were filled with giddy apprehension. There is no easy way to describe what it is this music makes me feel, but I think that may be the closest. It's a feeling that builds in the chest, and no matter what you do you cannot stop smiling. Perhaps you even giggle.

The song began as I began my descent, down the rabbit hole, as it were. And, as if the Universe knew that I was already filled with the wonder of the music, something brilliant and unexpected happened.

Join me on a pictorial recreation of my journey:

The first few landings are very much the same, there is nothing all too interesting, you get the idea. 

 They start to change, just a little, becoming slightly more worn looking, slightly more old.

 And then they change completely!

The feeling of the music, combined with the changing of the stairwell was one of the most magical moments of my life. For a moment, when I had my hands on the door, I was convinced that I was going to step out, not into the city I knew to be there, but into my own wonderland.

If only this story could be filled with a little more magic, I hear you saying.

Never worry, I would never leave my readers wanting.

I must confess that I did not take these pictures on that Sunday. When I knew that I wanted to share these pictures I went to take them. To help relive the magic I felt, I turned the theme on repeat, and started my journey back down. I left through that side door to go back through the front of the building (let's be honest, it was partially to check my mail, but mostly to use the elevator).

Once I got off on my floor, I was treated with one of the most amazing sights I have ever seen. After you leave the elevator on my floor there is a small area that is called a "lounge" basically, it is a wide hallway with a couch on either side.

On each couch sat an older man, roughly the same age, nearly the same build, and looking as if they could very well have been brothers, posted as if sentries...

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