Monday, March 24, 2014

I Just Want to Pretend

Dear Readers, 

As some of you may or may not know (or may or may not have guessed based on this blog) I spend a lot of time in my own head. I like to believe that my imagination is just as strong now as it was when I was a kid. Maybe even more so. 

Some time last year (January 28th, if we're being exact) I dedicated a post to the fact that often in my day-to-day life I see people who remind me of a fictional character, and for a split second I can believe that I'm part of that world.


Yeah, sort of like that, but, you know, with less water and flipping and singing. 

Alright, sometimes with the same amount of singing. 

Spoiler: Totally more singing than that. 

That's not the point. The point is I have an over-active imagination. 

So I wanted to share with you an event that happened recently. I'll start by saying I feed my over-active imagination daily, this is a good practice and I really recommend that everyone let their mind run away with them at some point. 

Now, I know I uploaded a map of the campus last week, but for your convenience I'll do it again:


Today's story takes place within that red square. Right there, as you can see, is a small patch of grass. People who live on or around campus who also have dogs often let their pets run around in that area. It's awesome for me because I miss being around dogs like, woah. Can you blame me after working around them for years?

Maybe you can. But you shouldn't. Anyway.

So I was strolling from Parking 3, where my car still was at the time. And I get close to the grassy area when I see a lovely looking older woman and her adorable small dog. I'm 85% sure it's some kind of terrier. It was black and white and in the most adorable little coat. 

So, anyhow, I'm walking and walking and suddenly I hear the quick "clickclickclick" of the dog following behind me. 

And for a brief second, I was Sophie being followed by Heen. 


For those of you who don't know, that's a clip from Howl's Moving Castle. For those of you who haven't seen it, I 100% recommend it.

I was content to be Sophie, especially in this scene, as she's an old woman and has a hard time with the stairs. I'm not an old woman, but this was after my graveyard shift, so I felt a bit old...

Anyway, Sophie is amazing. And that was all good. Until I realized that the (probably) lovely old woman behind me would then be the Witch of the Waste


And that's not an identity I'd wish on anyone. 

So, I let that go. But I want to say Thank You, to the woman and her dog, for letting me imagine after a long day of work that, just for a second, that I was Sophie.

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