Monday, March 17, 2014

Apologies and News

Dear Readers,

First off, let me just say that I am sorry that I didn't get to fill your hearts and minds with joy by posting something last week. I've been trying very hard to write things up ahead of time, but that week time got away from me.

I started a new job (yay!) working the graveyard shift (eeeew) throwing freight (yay!...wait...yeah, yay!).

So, basically, I'm trying to learn how to exist while waking up for work at 11 pm, then getting back to my room at 9 am and not getting out of class until 4 pm. It's a struggle. Mostly because I really love surfing the internet more than I like sleeping. But then I wake up and realize that I really do love sleeping and I should have slept more. It's a viscous cycle.

"But why don't you just nap?" I hear people like my sister Danica and my roommate Ashley asking.

I just can't. I mean, I can nap, I'm physically capable of it. But I have the worst luck with naps. I can snooze for 20 mins, then ruin my entire night of sleep because suddenly I'm not tired. I'm just not a good napper.

I envy those of you who are, and I hope you enjoy your 5 o'clock naps. I, on the other hand, will simply get off work and stay up until it's a reasonable time for me to go to bed for the night. 

All of this leads up to a story. 

It's the story of my first attempt at a graveyard shift. Instead of going in at midnight the first night they asked me to be there by 4 am. 

Awesome, you're saying, 4 am is plenty of time to sleep. 

And I would agree with you. Except that I couldn't sleep.

I was in bed by...6? Probably 6. And I tossed and turned until 2 when my alarm went off. Knowing that the drive to my new job is only five minutes I nodded and decided that I could just relax and wake up in my bed for a few more minutes. 

A few minutes turned magically into 3:30.
Now, those of you who don't know, I like to be early. I was always told "If you're not early you're late." Somehow this translated into a need to be extremely  early all the time to everything. And I'm not talking five minutes. I'm talking thirty or more. It's a problem.

So, imagine me, waking up with thirty minutes to get to work. I nearly died on the spot. I threw my clothes on, grabbed my purse and rushed out of the room...silently, because my roommate was sleeping (as normal people do at three thirty in the morning). 

At this time my car was parked across campus, for money reasons.

I've outlined the parking structure and my building in red, adding the route I jogged...also in red.

I quite literally jog, yes, JOG across campus to get to my car.

I don't jog, people. I hardly saunter. I don't care how much healthier I am now, I'm a crappy jogger. But darn it, i was not going to be late on my first day.

I got half way to y car before I realized that my name tag was still on my desk lamp.

I had a grave decision to make. Risk being late or risk breaking dress code. I wasn't sure which was worse. 

I decided to risk being late.

I got into my car and sped (carefully, because a ticket would make me even more late) back to my dorm where I parked illegally, sped back up to the eleventh floor, snagged my name tag, silently, and ran back out of the room. 

All in all I was still roughly 15 minutes early. 

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