Monday, February 3, 2014

Once More, With Feeling

Dearest Readers,

To those of you who are left are are still interested in reading my thoughts on life, hello again. To anyone who happened to fall into this bizarre world of mine accidentally, welcome to it, don't take life too seriously.

It's been nearly a year since I've done anything for this blog, or any blog-ish things at all. Well, just short of a year technically, I guess, if we're going off the actual dates from which I posted. Maybe that could be my new thing, post sporadically for three months then wait a whole year... It's a plan. Not a good one, but it does exist in the realm of plans.

I wish I had some interesting story as to why I was gone so long. Something like:

via Myself

I was traveling though the jungle, looking for the lost earring of the leopard queen.


I went deep sea diving, met a shark and just hung out for a while. 

via Myself

I constructed an airship and became an air pirate. (Sky pirate? Yeah, that's cooler.)

None of these are true, as amazing as they might sound. I could make a story, I suppose. Though I doubt it'd be believable, because I've got a flair for the fantastic.(A helpful skill when writing fiction, not so much when writing about true life events.)

The reality is that I've got a bad habit. I'm fairly positive that most humans have one or two. The bad habit of mine that I'm interested in covering right now is lack of commitment. This habit follows me throughout everything I choose to do.

I really want to learn to knit! - I've made two scarves.
I love cross stitching! - I've completed two square inches of the large project I started.
I should totally write a blog! - You can see how that one went.

The lack of commitment comes in the form of thinking of other things I could be doing with my time. Instead of doing something I enjoy, why don't I do something else I enjoy. In this fashion projects are left half done for what seems like eternity. Most likely eternity.

New Year's Resolutions are so cliche it hurts. However, I've made one. I'm trying to better myself in certain aspects of my life. Health and literary interest, mainly.

Luckily for you, I've also decided that my self betterment should include finishing things I've started.

via MyselfAnd by that I don't mean my cross stitching project.

I mean continuing to write this blog.

I've realized quite a few things about myself this year. I wear make up because it makes me happy. I wear nail polish for myself to enjoy. I eat better because I don't want to feel gross and sick all the time. I'm going to write a blog because I think I'm hilarious.

You're welcome, world.

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